Terms & Conditions

THIS AGREEMENT is made when you purchase a photography session with Family Photography 30a, Guillaume Lechat GLM LLC


1. Engagement of Photographer

1.1 Services. Subject to the terms set out herein, Client engages Photographer to provide, and Photographer agrees to provide, the photography services.

As part of the Services, the Photographer will produce or take similar action to create materials from Images and provide related deliverables (as set out above) pursuant to the provision of the Services.

2. Fees and Payment

2.1 Fees. Client agrees to pay all the session fees prior to the session date. Client agrees to pay Photographer all fees in connection with said assignment, whether or not Client uses any Image(s).

2.2 Invoice. Photographer will issue an invoice to Client upon request.

3. Client Responsibilities

3.1 Required Consents. Client will ensure that all required consents, as applicable, have been obtained prior to performance of the Services, including any consents required for the performance of Services and the delivery of Work Product by Photographer and, as applicable, from venues or locales where the Services are to be performed or from participants of the Portrait Session.

3.2 Waiver. Client (on behalf of himself/herself and any other participant whose image or recording may be captured by the Services) hereby waives all rights and claims, and releases Photographer from any claim or cause of action, whether now known or unknown, relating to the sale, display, license, use and exploitation of Images pursuant to this Agreement.

4. Photographer Responsibilities

4.1 Equipment. Client will not be required to supply any photography equipment to Photographer.

4.2 Manner of Service. Photographer will ensure that the Services are performed in a good, expedient, workmanlike and safe manner, and in such a manner as to avoid unreasonable interference with Client’s activities.

5. Artistic Release

5.1 Consistency. Photographer will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the Services are produced in a style consistent with Photographer’s current portfolio, and Photographer will use reasonable efforts to consult with Client and incorporate any reasonable suggestions.

5.2 Style. Client acknowledges and agrees that:

  • Client has reviewed Photographer’s previous work and portfolio and has a reasonable expectation that Photographer will perform the Services in a similar style
  • Photographer will use its artistic judgement when providing the Services, and shall have final say regarding the aesthetic judgement and artistic quality of the Services; and
  • Disagreement with Photographer’s aesthetic judgement or artistic ability are not valid reasons for termination of this Agreement or request of any monies returned.

6. Term and Termination

6.1 Term. This Agreement will begin on the Effective Date and continue until the latter of (i) the date where all outstanding Fees under this Agreement are paid in full; or (ii) the date where all final Work Product has been delivered (“Term”).

6.2 Cancellation. Client may terminate the Agreement (“Cancellation”) and/or reschedule the Services (“Rescheduling”) by providing Photographer with written notice no later than 48 hours before the original date of the Portrait Session (the “Minimum Notice”). Client acknowledges and agrees that Client is not relieved of any payment obligations for Cancellations and Rescheduling unless the Minimum Notice in accordance with this Article 6 is duly provided or unless the parties otherwise agree in writing.


6.3 Rescheduling. In the event of Rescheduling, Photographer will use commercially reasonable efforts to accommodate Client’s change. If Photographer is not able to accommodate Client’s change despite using commercially reasonable efforts, the parties agree that such Rescheduling will be deemed as Cancellation by Client and that Photographer will be under no obligation to perform the Services other than on the original date of the Portrait Session.

6.4 No Refund. Client acknowledges and agrees that Cancellation by Client will not result in a refund of any fees paid on or prior to the date of Cancellation by Client. Refund can be provided up to 48h before the session.

6.5 Late Arrivals. In the event that the Client arrives late to the Portrait Session, the amount of time late may be deducted from the time allotted for the session. Photographer will not provide a refund or other compensation for the time deducted from the session due to late arrival of the Client.

7. Ownership of Work Product by Photographer

7.1 Ownership of Work. Photographer will own all right, title and interest in all Work Product. Client (on behalf of itself and any participants at the Portrait Session) hereby grants Photographer and any of its service providers an exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable, transferable and sub licensable license to use any materials created by Client or attendees, during the performance of the Services, that may be protected by copyright or any intellectual property rights (“Portrait Session Materials”) as part of any Work Product or in connection with the marketing, advertising or promotion of Photographer’s services, including in connection with Photographer’s studio, portfolio, website or social media, in any format or medium. Client acknowledges and affirms that no other person or entity has any rights that may prevent or restrict Photographer from using Portrait Session Materials as provided herein.

8. Limited License to Client

8.1 Personal Use. Photographer hereby grants Client an exclusive, limited, irrevocable, royalty-free, non-transferable and non-sublicensable license to use Work Product for Client’s Personal Use, provided that Client does not remove any attribution notices or copyright notices included by Photographer in any Work Product. “Personal Use” includes, but is not limited to, use (i) of photos on Client’s personal social media pages or profiles; (ii) in Client’s personal creations, such as scrapbooks, albums or personal gifts; (iii) in non-commercial physical display; and (iv) in personal communications, such as family newsletter, email, or holiday card. Client will not make any other use of the Work Product without Photographer’s prior written consent, including but not limited to use of the Work Product for commercial sale.

9.  Limitation of Liability

9.1 Force Majeure. Neither party shall be held in breach of or liable under this Agreement for any delay or non-performance of any provision of this Agreement caused by illness, emergency, fire, strike, pandemic, earthquake, or any other conditions beyond the reasonable control of the non-performing party (each a “Force Majeure Event”), and the time of performance of such provision, if any, shall be deemed to be extended for a period equal to the duration of the conditions preventing performance. If such Force Majeure Event persists for more than 60 days, the party not affected by the Force Majeure Event may terminate the Agreement and any prepaid fees for Services not performed (other than the Retainer) shall be returned within 15 days of the date of termination of the Agreement.

9.3 Failure to Deliver . Photographer shall not be held liable for delays in the delivery of such Work Product, or any Work Product undeliverable, due to technological malfunctions, service interruptions that are beyond the control of Photographer (including as a result of delays in receipt of instructions from Client) and for Work Product that fails to meet the specifications set out in Section 1.1 due to the actions of Client or participants at the Portrait Session that are beyond the control of Photographer.

10.Archiving digital files

While Photographer may choose to archive the Image(s), it is Client’s responsibility to properly store and archive the Image(s) for the duration of the term of license. Photographer cannot guarantee the availability of any Image(s) beyond the date of first delivery to Client.


Client is aware that optical, magnetic, electronic, and any other, media for storing digital data are inherently unstable. Client hereby releases Photographer and his contractors, and representatives, from any liability for any claims, damages, or costs, arising from any media supplied by Photographer becoming unusable.


Any requests for the photographer to reproduce images that were already delivered will incur a $100 processing fee.